Most apartments can accommodate up to 2 cats from the same family. Also available are some larger apartments which can accommodate up to 5 cats from the same family at a time.
Sparkly clean:
We pride ourselves on keeping pens spotless at all times. All blankets and bedding are brushed daily. Pens are swept and washed, and litter trays are cleaned and replenished.
Pens are disinfected with an animal-friendly DEFRA approved disinfectant between guests in order to destroy any bacteria and then scrubbed thoroughly clean before being made up with clean bedding for the next visitor.
Cats Private Apartments:
Cats are housed in separate spacious apartments. Each apartment has a split level inside with a mezzanine sleeping area and an outside courtyard. All apartments open onto a safety corridor for the security of your cat.
Thermostatic radiators maintain a comfortable temperature in each section of the cattery. In addition, heated pads are available for all cats in the colder months and for any of our older or more sensitive residents throughout the year. Each section has a radio on for background company during the day. Balls and catnip toys and ball runs are provided for stimulation and all apartments have scratching posts in order to keep your cat entertained.
Room Service:
Adult cats are fed twice daily. Both wet and dry food diets are available. We only use good quality products. Older cats, kittens and cats under medical direction are fed to their own individual requirements.
We do our best to accommodate any special dietary requirements if notified in advance but any very unusual feline palates will need to be supplied by the owner. A fridge and freezer are available to store any fresh supplies.